haa, nie khas untuk Ajah and friends…
- yes, nolee ada citer ape yg korang bincangkan kat umah nida.. ehehe
- nope, we are not going to get married this May..
- yes,hopefully talks will begin in May..
- yes, i have met her family during Eid… tapi sebelum tu pun penah jumpa jugak..
- yes, my mum penah call her mum before this, although belom penah jumpa lagi…
- yes, nanti kitorang akan bagitau awal2 kat korang so that you can buy those cheap airfares…
- and finally yes, please bring along your partners…
ahaks, malu i!! :p
erk.. apakah ini??.. lalalalalala
lalalala jugak.. hahaha.
read between the lines…
malu konon!