tengok lah orang sakit ni.. lepas kena cucuk, gi shopping.. ehehehe.. she waked me up early this morning.. and told me that she’s not feeling well.. ciann.. so i brought her to the hospital. alhamdulillah takda pape sangat.. hopefully u r going to sembuh before i leave tomorrow morning dear… take care… muaxxxxx
Archive for February 1st, 2009
Budak ni dah lama menyenyapkan diri.. menyombong.. tetiba update blog, mengetag orang… seb baik la tak banyak.. huhuhu.. saya layan je la norfa… The rules : List at least 5 things & tag your friends… (aku nak tau la, sape yg pandai2 cipta permainan tag ni…) 1. I can’t stand bau badan yang busuk.. sori […]